Posted: Post Date – 04:53 PM, Wed – Oct 26 22
Hyderabad: The Food Corporation of India (FCI) has extended the Custom Milled Rice (CMR) supply period for the last season (2021-22) of Vaanakalam (Kharif) rice, to the relief of the millers and the state government. In the Minister of Civil Supply Gangula Kamalakar and Thanks to the efforts of its team, FCI has agreed to extend the CMR supply deadline to November 30.
About 7 million tons of paddy were produced last year, with a milled CMR of about 5 million tons. FCI has agreed to purchase the entire paddy and has supplied about 2.5 million tonnes to date. Considering delays at some mills, FCI agreed to extend the deadline to allow mills to supply CMR by November 30.
In addition, FCI has also agreed to purchase about 400,000 tonnes of fortified rice related to the previous (2021-22) Yasangi (Rabi) season. This will be in addition to the 800,000 tonnes of rice already agreed, bringing the total fortified rice for the 2021-22 Yasangi season to 1.2 million tonnes. This will ensure the state government receives Rs 1.8 crore.