Prof Muthi said IIT Hyderabad even gives a semester academic break if the student is working on a research project
Post Date – 23rd Monday 24th July 10:54pm
Sangaredy: Prof BS Murty, Director of the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IIT-H), said the institute is heading in the right direction in implementing the recommendations of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
Speaking to the media at the IIT-H campus on Monday, Prof Muthi said that apart from international collaborations with different institutions across the globe, IIT-H is also at the forefront of delivering different courses in digital mode. The institute also gives priority to foreign students and encourages them to come here for PhD studies, offering scholarships of Rs 60,000 per month, he said, adding that they are also offering 15 M-Tech courses through digital mode to help professionals pursue higher education.
To encourage multidisciplinary study during engineering programmes, IIT-H limits engineering subjects to only 60% credits and allows students to take different electives for the remaining 40% of the time, he said. Students can choose from a wide range of electives, such as liberal arts, Sanskrit, and social sciences.
Professor Muthy said the academy would also incorporate study time in the industry into the curriculum. The Faculty even grants a semester of academic break if the student is working on a research project.