Telangana chief secretary A Santhi Kumari directed them to prepare an action plan for collection of flocks, transportation and collection of deposits from beneficiaries
Posted Date – 12:15 AM, Fri – 7 April 23
Hyderabad: The state government has set a target of distributing sheep units to 338,000 beneficiaries in the second phase of the Sheep Distribution Scheme. In a video conference with district collectors and other officials on Thursday, Chief Secretary A Santhi Kumari directed them to prepare an action plan for collecting flocks, transportation and collecting deposits from beneficiaries.
She said that the plan should be formulated in accordance with the second-phase 338,000 sheep distribution target. She said the sheep distribution program should be organized under the leadership of collectors in each district and asked collectors in the 12 districts with the largest number of beneficiaries to take special measures. The Chief Secretary directed that district collectors should join people from their respective districts for the unveiling of the 125-foot tall Dr BR Ambedkar statue on April 14.