Posted: Post Date – 12:50 AM, Tuesday – Nov 1st 22

Most scams end up with “proposals turn into extortion” or “pretty women are men” or “I have your sex record” or “make gay men pay”.
Women with glamorous profiles are reaching out to victims on social media and communication platforms. They lure unsuspecting men with tantalizing conversations and gradually convince them to engage in explicit conversations or nude video calls.
When the victim accepts further conversations, they simply record the entire incident. Most scams end up with “proposals turn into extortion” or “pretty women are men” or “I have your sex record” or “make gay men pay”.
Fraudsters know how to evoke fear in their victim and start extorting money from him, threatening to share video clips and explicit conversations with relatives and friends on social media. They let victims know that they can destroy their reputation online and offline at any time.
These days, it’s amazing how many times we see victims being blackmailed, even if they don’t share any explicit conversations or videos, all they do is morph photos and videos, etc.
Who creates opportunities?
Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram have created an opportunity for young women and men living in socially conservative societies to communicate, meet and engage in forbidden intimacy, fantasies and behaviors.
We often see a plethora of online stories about dating apps and social media expressions on dating apps and social media, in which men and women posing as rich people promise love and marriage to innocent victims, once victims are financially or sexually exploited , they will disappear. We have also seen examples of victims attempting suicide as a result of sexual extortion on social media platforms.
operating mode
Sexual extortion occurs when victims receive private messages from unknown girls. Fraudsters engage in in-depth conversations with them that ultimately lead to online relationships. The fraudster patiently ensnares the man and then begins to extort money.
The money is extorted, or if victims are unable to pay the money, they are asked to introduce their close friends. It’s like you are being fooled to fool others.
* Victims receive private messages from strangers (liars) and lure them into nude conversations.
*The victim will complete all requests made by the fraudster, as the fraudster himself does when talking.
* Fraudsters screen victims’ nude video chats along with their faces.
* Scammers asking for money, blackmailing victims for naked conversations on social media, tagging all their friends and relatives.
* Even if the victim agrees to pay and pay, the extortion does not end there, but an endless loop.
Should you pay the ransom?
Fraudsters will initially ask you to pay a small ransom to avoid unnecessary trouble or reputational damage. It is important to remember that sextortion will continue as long as the victim is willing to pay, and in the process we have seen many victims lose their entire savings in this type of scam.
Fraudsters employ different techniques for those who refuse to pay. They are either asked to introduce their close friends, or victims may receive threatening calls from fraudsters posing as police officers. Victims who did not pay in advance agreed to pay the ransom for fear of police and reputational damage.
Report social media abuse
Tips for Avoiding Sex Extortion Fraud
* We should not click on unwanted links in social media or messages sent by strangers.
* If you receive a video call from a stranger, please don’t answer it, just block it.
* Do not use .APK and .DMZ files to download apps. Only download apps from the Play Store or Apps Store.
* Don’t allow untrusted apps to access your phone’s file manager, etc.
* Do not share your OTP or password and do not scan QR codes.
* Choose strong, complex passwords and use two-factor authentication for all social media, messaging accounts, and email.
* Cover your device’s camera, including computer and webcams, with the help of tape, stickers, or your thumb.
* Use social media privacy settings or contact only known people.
* Avoid online dating sites. Most sextortion cases are among those who log on to dating sites.
* Never send any images or videos that degrade yourself to anyone, including your spouse.
what to do if you get scammed
* Some victims deleted their social media accounts, thinking it would protect them from fraudsters. However, the correct solution is to keep conversations in stealth mode on your social media platforms so that they can serve as evidence for investigative agencies.
* Second (a) reporting scams or issues on social media portals. (b) Change your password (c) Block your account (if someone harass, trolling or threaten you.) (d) Store screenshots of payments or bullying etc. (e) If your issue is not resolved on social media channels you can file a complaint at or contact your local police department.