A total of Rs 5,801 crore has been deposited into the bank accounts of around 6.085 lakh farmers in Telangana under the Rythu Bandhu Farm Investment Support Scheme
Posted Date – Thu, 12 Jan 23 09:42 PM
Hyderabad: A total of Rs 5,801 crore has been deposited into the bank accounts of some 6.085 lakh farmers in the state under the Rythu Bandhu Farm Investment Support Scheme. This included Rs 4,823.2 crore distributed to 1.76 lakh farmers in the state on Thursday.
Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy said in a statement that while Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has implemented several welfare schemes for the people, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is imposing tax burdens on them. He said the center does not contribute anything to the welfare schemes implemented by the Telangana state government. Instead, he criticized the coalition government for discriminatory approval of funding to the state. He said that Congress and the BJP are only interested in power and speech, but lack ideology and morality.