Release Date – 12:32 AM, Tue – 22 November 22

According to police, most traffic accidents occurred on highways, and in many cases victims were delayed in being transferred to trauma care centers, resulting in death.
Hyderabad: To reduce road fatalities in the state, the Telangana Police Road Safety Division has adopted a multi-pronged strategy of identifying and remedying deficiencies in traffic management and training stakeholders in emergency trauma care. .
Road Safety Director-General (DG) Sandeep Shandilya said the current focus is on tackling serious traffic violations across the state. “Every life is important to us. So after every accident, an analysis is done and recommendations are made to local officials to prevent the accident from happening again,” he said.
A total of 6,149 people were killed in traffic accidents in Telangana state this year compared to 6,208 in the same period last year. “Our focus is on curbing overloading of passenger vehicles on highways, towns and cities. If vehicles are not suitable, there can be a single accident in which three or more people die. Strict enforcement will reduce such accidents,” DG ( road safety).
Most major traffic accidents occur on highways, and in many cases victims are delayed in transfer to trauma care centers, resulting in death. “To ensure that victims receive immediate first aid, we are training people who run businesses along the highway and those who live in nearby villages in first aid skills. We identified 70 police stations with high accident rates and trained about 300 people. On average, we spend close to Rs. 1,200 to train a person,” says Sandeep Shandilya.
Road safety authorities have also highlighted the need to revoke the driving licenses of serious offenders. “In certain offences, such as triple riding, reckless driving and drink driving, the driver poses a risk not only to himself but also to other road users. In such cases, the driver’s license should be revoked,” he said, adding Said such measures would definitely help bring down the death toll.
There will be more educational programs involving different stakeholders in the coming days. Road Safety hopes the measures will reduce the death toll by around 1,000 over the next few months.
“Public transport drivers should feel that they have an obligation to ensure the safety of their passengers and not just focus on making money,” Sandeep Shandilya said.