Of the 148 agricultural officer positions, TSPSC will fill 100 vacancies in Multi Zone-I (MZ-I) and the remaining 48 vacancies in Multi Zone-II (MZ-II).
Updated: Wed 28 Dec 22 at 09:05pm

Hyderabad: The Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) on Wednesday issued a circular for the direct recruitment of 148 agricultural officer posts and 128 posts by Technical Education Commissioner and Intermediate Education in the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.
Out of the 148 agricultural officer positions, TSPSC will fill 100 vacancies in Multi Zone-I (MZ-I) and the remaining 48 vacancies in Multi Zone-II (MZ-II). The TSPSC informed that online applications for the Direct Recruitment Agriculture Officer position will begin on January 10 and the deadline for submitting online applications will be January 30 at 5 p.m.
Of the 128 entity directorships, the TSPSC has notified 37 vacancies for the Technical Education Commissioner and 91 vacancies for the Intermediate Education Commissioner. The TSPSC notification states that the age limit for eligibility for entity directors is between 18 and 44 years. Online applications for the Direct Recruitment Physical Director position will be received from 6 January 2023 and the last date to submit an online application is 27 January 2023 at 5pm.
Eligible candidates can apply online through the TSPSC website (https://www.tspsc.gov.in)